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Vue Lifecycle Hooks

These are some utilities that ease interactions between Vue's lifecycle hooks and RxJS Observables.


(hook: VueHook) => Observable<void>

Creates an observable from a Vue lifecycle hook, like onUpdated or onMounted:

import { onUnmounted } from 'vue';

// somewhere in code
const onUnmounted$ = fromHook(onUnmounted);

// in Vue component's setup function
  setup() {
    onUnmounted$.subscribe(() => {
      console.log('this will be logged when onUnmounted hook is fired');


Note that the hook is only connected to the component that subscribes to the resulting observable:

// outside of component setup function
onUnmounted$.subscribe(() => {
  console.log('this will never be logged');

const component1 = {
  setup() {
    onUnmounted$.subscribe(() => {
      console.log('this will be logged only when component1 is unmounted');

const component2 = {
  setup() {
    onUnmounted$.subscribe(() => {
      console.log('this will be logged only when component2 is unmounted');


(subscription: Unsubscribable) => void

Allows to not worry about an observable not being resolved after a component unloads.
For this, just pass an RxJS Subscription to this hook.


If it's awkward to pass a subscription, consider using untilUnmounted operator.

Released under the MIT License.